Hebog Environmental is an independent marine biological consultancy based in Bangor, North Wales specialising in benthic ecology. We have worked on projects from all over the world and offer a range of services, including the collection and identification of marine and estuarine benthic macrofauna and interpretation of ecological data derived from these activities. Providing first-rate customer service, we have an excellent reputation for our high levels of skill, attention to detail and quality assurance.
As a small business we have many advantages over our competitors:
Able to develop personal relationships with clients, employees and suppliers
Greater flexibility in responding to our client’s needs and able to make quick decisions.
Operate in a narrow market and deliver a vast amount of expertise to any size of project
Staff are knowledgeable and involved in all stages of project delivery
Have a network of strategic partners allowing us to create tailored solutions to more comprehensive projects
Ideas communicated easily in the workplace for a more consistent project output
We believe our business encompasses all these points without compromise.
We are happy to discuss individual client project specifications. Please contact us for more information.