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Laboratory analysis


North-Eastern Atlantic fauna

We excel in our specialism of identification of North-East Atlantic benthic macrofauna. We analyse hundreds of macrofauna samples every year from a variety of estuarine, intertidal, subtidal or deeper sea habitats and are one of only a few laboratories who undertake this work for statutory monitoring purposes within the UK and Ireland. We also analyse samples for ecological baseline studies and impact assessments.


Worldwide ID

We have a wealth of experience of identifying macrofauna from outside the North-Eastern Atlantic, particularly from the Arabian Gulf and west Africa. Our library has extensive literature regarding marine fauna from these areas and also southern and eastern Africa, and the Indo-Pacific.


Sediment Analysis

Sediment Analysis Hebog is equipped to perform particle size analysis (PSA), through dry sieving to half-phi accuracy. We also offer total organic carbon (TOC) analysis by loss on ignition (LOI). We have carried out these analyses for Natural Resources Wales and the Marine Institute (Ireland). If required we are also able to prepare samples for laser diffraction of the silt/clay element.  


We are happy to provide biomass estimations and reference collections for your project.



Click below to see some of our case studies:







Hebog Environmental Ltd, Mentec, Deiniol Road, Bangor, Gwynedd, LL57 2UP, 

+44 1248 372467

Registered in England and Wales No. 05081545

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